Apply for an Education Grant at Our Foundation
Grant Application Guidelines
The focus of grant funding for the Peters Pharis Foundation is for providing educational opportunities to highly motivated, high-performing students from low-income families and underserved underrepresented communities. Grants are awarded to entities which are qualified nonprofit organization qualified for tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3).
Funding Restrictions
- The foundation does not make grants to individuals.
- The foundation does not fund churches or other entities organized for religious purposes.
- The foundation will not fund event sponsorships.
To Initiate the Grant Process
- All grantee organizations must submit an application for a grant by March 1
The grant application must be in writing and contain, at a minimum, the information set forth below and should be postmarked no later than March 1 and addressed to the Peters Pharis Foundation. PO Box 29187 Washington,
DC 20017. - The foundation’s board of trustees meets in May and October to consider grant-funding applications.
- Applicants will be notified of the trustees' decision with respect to their respective submissions in December of each year.

All Applications for grants shall include the following information:
A. Statement of Bona Fides Specifying
- The name of applicant and the name of a contact person/title.
- Applicant’s Tax ID#.
- The Year the organization was founded and its current annual operating budget.
- Applicant’s complete address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address.
The statement of bona fides must be signed and dated by an authorized person indicating his/her position with the applicant. The signatory must also certify that:
- The applicant’ tax exempt status under IRC 501( c) (3) is current and in effect.
- The proceeds of any award will be used only for purposes compatible with the Foundation’s mission and will not be used for any unlawful purpose.
B. Grant Narrative
- State the mission of your organization and provide a brief history of its development and accomplishments. Please include a description of current programs and services.
- What are the long term goals of your organization?
- Please specify how the requested award will be used.
C. Required Attachments
- Verification of tax exempt status.
- Bound copy of most recent audited financial statements.
- List of your current board of directors.
- List of your major corporate and foundation donors.
- Current IRS 990.